Why we do what we do

by Mark Milionoi

Have you ever been challenged in a church service to pray more, and then committed to the Lord that you would pray more? How about to give more, or to read your Bible more? You leave that service fully intending to uphold your commitment and meet the challenge. But, for some reason, your commitment to follow through just seems to fall through.

Have you ever asked yourself why? Why don’t we pray more? Why don’t we give more? Why don’t we read more of the Bible? We all know these things are necessary to become more like Christ, but we still struggle. We know that these things are important, but are they important enough? Do we realize their true value?

There is a thought process occurring with every decision you make. Why do you do what you do? It is all about motivation and value. Why are you motivated to go to work? You value money. Why are you motivated to work on your house? You value your home. Why do spend time with your family? You value them. Why do you spend time watching TV? You value entertainment.

Why do you do what you do? The reality is you will do whatever is important to you. You make time, sacrifice for, and give to whatever it is that you value. If you value the Bible, you will read it. If you think church is important you will make time for it. If you value people, you will tell them about Christ and give so that others can go and do the same. The more that you value something, the more important it becomes to you.

How important is Baptist Bible College to you? What value do you place on it? G. B. Vick led my parents to the Lord at Temple Baptist Church. My parents learned from Dr. Vick how to have a godly home and led me to the Lord at a young age. My pastor trained at BBC and challenged me to do the same. The education I received at BBC equipped me to become a true shepherd to those in my congregation. My children have chosen to attend BBC. Baptist Bible College has been valuable in my life and ministry. Therefore, I have personally chosen to sacrifice and give my all so future generations can continue to be trained to make an impact on our world for Jesus Christ.

How valuable is BBC to you? Consider this: Is a college dedicated to preparing the next generation of ministry leaders of any value to you, your children and grandchildren, and your church? If BBC has been important to you, then join me in giving financially. When you give to BBC you are investing in our current students, their future ministries, and in results that will have eternal value.

You can begin giving today at the Generations website: www.gobbc.edu/generations, or give us a call at (417) 268-6000.

Don’t let your commitment to follow through, fall through.