Care for people and new churches

by Dan Lamb

I could hear a lot of little voices as they entered the hallway that leads to the church office. They didn’t stop; just kept coming until I heard the knock at my office door. “Papa,” they cried, and in came all seven of them. All church business stopped as I visited with my grandchildren. They were there just long enough to make sure I knew they were at the church and off they went. Except the youngest — she is only just 3 years old — she stayed to visit awhile. Then off she went to join the rest of the gang. She left behind her flip-flops, each pointing in a different direction. She does not realize that everything stopped for her, or how much she is loved.

My heart is to care for her spiritual walk, and to be part of her decision-making — so that her life is not going every direction, like her flip-flops. The people of the world are so much like that. They move through life making noise, going in every direction. They don’t seem to have a care or thought beyond this earthly life. The answer for them is a Bible-teaching, gospel-preaching church!

A baby church is just that, a baby. It needs to be birthed and cared for. The birth process only begins with a burden in someone’s heart. Will you, pastor, seek a burden for a city or town in your area? Will you, Christian, seek a burden for a specific area? Begin praying for a new church plant. Let the birth of a baby church begin in you.

The NCPO team has a burden for the people of our country. Our burden is that every state would have a soul-saving station in each city — a church where every soul is cared for and sought after. We are taking a fresh look at the vision and the method of how we can best recruit, train, and equip the BBFI church planter of the 21st century. Will you combine your heart and mind with us in our endeavor to plant more churches? We are looking to you for help as we refresh the NCPO. Call us! We are open to your input!

Editor’s note – During the BBFI National Fellowship Meeting held recently in Ventura, CA, Third Vice President Dan Lamb was appointed interim director of the National Church Planting Office. The third vice president oversees the work of the NCPO, and Dan’s familiarity with the office made him a natural choice. He will serve until a permanent director is appointed. Dan is the pastor of Hillsboro Bible Baptist Church, Hillsboro, OH.