Putting First Things First

As a church planter, you will have to manage your time and prioritize a number of items that should all be first on your list. You will learn there has to be a balance. There is a distinction between problems to solve and tensions to manage. Below is a list that at different times will demand priority.

Start with a verse and a prayer. No power–no ministry.

Make your wife and children your priority. No family–no ministry.   The Lord and your family always demand first place.

Start with a humble spirit and heart. With God all things are possible; without Him, nothing can be accomplished.

Faith is the key. By faith expect God to be there. Have faith in your calling and have faith in God’s leadership. Always be looking for a miracle because God loves you and is preparing the way for you.

Acquire as much knowledge as possible.Talk to as many successful Church planters as possible.

Prepare by reading all you can. Many people have said we are what we read. Keep reading–keep growing; stop reading–stop growing. That is good advice!

Follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit. He will guide you each step of the way. Trust him to lead the way. Remember He was there preparing the way before you arrived.

Timing is important. The importance of timing cannot be under estimated. Ask the Lord to reveal His timing. Isaiah 40:31 states, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk not faint.”

Survey the land. Do your homework–do the demographics. Follow your calling. Remember, where God leads; God provides. Consider the options and availabilities and recognize the possibilities.

Acquire the trust of your congregation. When your congregation knows they can trust you to do what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it, they will begin to trust you. Your people will then begin to tell others about your ministry. Building trust is vital.

Have a strong physical body. It is a must to exercise physically, so that you maintain strong mental and physical strength.