Fellowship Week from the State Representatives’ Perspective

Arkansas State Representative

Keith Buttram, Temple Baptist Church

Fellowship Week 2019 was a great time both to reconnect with pastor friends and be challenged by great preaching. As Jon Slayden said the first night, our network gives us people to help one another, push one another, and encourage one another.

Our network gives us people to help one another, push one another, and encourage one another. Click To Tweet

The messages from the Executive Committee encouraged me to ask myself and staff big questions regarding the importance of healthy pastors leading healthy churches, and healthy churches sending out and supporting healthy missionaries and church planters.

What are we doing to ensure that we as a Fellowship and our churches are healthy? Are we asking God to strengthen our burden for our communities? How can we make sure that the people in our boat are focused on the people outside of the boat? Making sure these questions are continually answered can help us and our churches to stay focused on our part of the Great Commission.

Iron sharpens iron, and meetings like this help to sharpen each of us.


Colorado State Representative

Derald Gautier, Belmar Church

It’s been six or seven years since I last attended a National Fellowship Meeting. Last week was a refreshing and challenging time as I was in Springfield, MO for this year’s May meeting. I was reminded again of what I believe is our foundational core value … that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and our assignment is to be His witnesses.

I was reminded again of what I believe is our foundational core value ... that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world and our assignment is to be His witnesses. Click To Tweet

I enjoyed reconnecting with friends from college and ministry days of the past and learned much in several well-done breakouts and meetings. The big takeaway for me personally though, was a reminder and challenge toward personal and church evangelism. I was inspired and challenged as the main session speakers shared personal stories of their neighbors coming to Christ and seeing lives and families changed for eternity.

I appreciate the direction the Fellowship is headed and welcome the challenge to be a pastor leading a church with a deep burden to win the lost and make disciples. Making national meetings is a new priority for me. I enjoy the fellowship and I need the challenge.


Delaware State Representative

David Perdue, First Baptist Church

The BBFI meeting in Springfield included two wonderful elements that were truly a blessing. First, the missionaries we approved all had wonderful testimonies and seemed to have the fervor and calling to make a difference. My church plans to support each of them. Second, there was a strong emphasis on personal soul-winning. This is not only basic and important for every Christian, but it is also crucial for pastors. I was challenged and encouraged to renew my effort in this area.

There was a strong emphasis on personal soul-winning. Click To Tweet


Hawaii State Representative

Jose Esquibel, Lanakila Baptist Church

It was a real honor for me to attend this year’s National Fellowship Meeting as the state representative for Hawaii. My church, Lanakila Baptist Church, sacrificially made it possible and my children, who live in the area, provided transportation and accommodations for my time in Springfield.

My first encounter was with the students of Baptist Bible College. I was impressed with their hospitality and helpfulness. These students love their college, and I believe they will impact their world for the Kingdom of God.

My second encounter was with our newly elected officers and other state representatives. I was encouraged by the preaching, testimonies, and stories of each speaker. What impressed me most was not how God had built His churches through these men, their methods, or even how they presented their message, but that they took time to pray for over me and our situation in Hawaii. Second, as our officers preached, they related how they had connected with their neighbors and community and had won many of them to the Lord. They were soul-winners. None of them faced an easy road, but they stayed humble, teachable, and faithful and God blessed them.

They took time to pray over me and for our situation in Hawaii. Click To Tweet

I head back to Hawaii encouraged, refreshed, and excited about what God will do. I am thankful to the Baptist Bible Fellowship for sending a missionary to Hawaii who won me to Christ, for providing a training institute (BBC), for supporting me as a BBFI missionary, and for the privilege of serving the Lord as part of the BBFI family.


Iowa State Representative

Randy Abell, Heartland Baptist Church

For me Fellowship Week starts Sunday evening after I preach as my wife and I walk out of the church and hit the road, driving south a few hours that night, so I can make the directors’ meeting on Monday. I still feel a sense of awe driving to the college and the Mission Office on Monday, as I feel so honored to represent Iowa to the BBFI. I always enjoy seeing old friends and meeting new ones from around the country, and I’m humbled at all the congregations that these State Representatives speak for from all across the land. And this year, with Easter so late in April, the BBF president, Tim Adrian, asked for Easter reports and it was so wonderful to hear so much good news about the Good News!

I attended every service, morning and evening and was blessed to hear several great sermons, and from each service, I put up a quote on Facebook, so that my entire congregation back in Iowa can get a little taste of the biblical or theological wisdom or insight of the morning or evening. And though the preaching was great, my favorite part, as usual, is mission’s morning. That’s when I get to see the Great Commission come alive right before my eyes, as new missionaries are approved and prepare to go off around the world with the Gospel.

I love the Baptist Bible Fellowship. Click To Tweet

I love the Baptist Bible Fellowship. It was in a BBF church that my parents were saved. It was at BBC that I met my wife; it was in a BBF church that the Lord called me to preach. The Iowa BBF instantly accepted me when I came to the state to start a church in Ames. And so, I love going to every national meeting I can afford to attend, especially the ones in Springfield.

May the Lord continue to bless the BBFI.


Kansas State Representative

Dean Hughes, Eastside Baptist Church

Momentum. One definition of “momentum,” according to Webster’s is “strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events.” Fellowship Week 2019 was an incredible time of momentum building for our Fellowship, as everything focused on reaching the lost and revitalizing churches that are in decline or may be “stuck.” Both topics, as they were passionately and wonderfully discussed, have challenged and encouraged me.

Fellowship Week 2019 was an incredible time of momentum building for our Fellowship. Click To Tweet

Our officers did not avoid the challenges facing our movement as they spoke but are prayerfully working on solutions that would benefit our Fellowship and our churches. God used each of our officers to speak to my heart and encourage me to be more intentional with evangelism, and for more strength and courage to lead our church so we will be more passionate about souls than ever before.

God used Nate and Rochelle Harmon and their team to lead us in some powerful times of worship through music. They blessed me with their ministry. I greatly enjoyed the Alumni Breakfast as well.

Missions morning was incredible as always, as more missionaries were approved, other missionaries were honored, and Jon Konnerup shared some innovative things that the Mission Office is doing. I am particularly excited and will use the new “Kidz4Missionz” curriculum in our church. It was a wonderful blessing to win the trip to the meeting in Costa Rica. I would not be able to attend that meeting if I had not won the trip. Thank you so much!

I left Springfield greatly encouraged by the momentum in our Fellowship, in our colleges, and our missions. God is doing great things in our Fellowship. May we continue to move forward and work together.


Michigan State Representative

Greg Burdine, Faith Baptist Church

Fellowship Week at Baptist Bible College is always nostalgic for me. It’s like coming home. This year marks 40 years since I walked on campus for the first time. Times have changed our college and fellowship. But this year had so many positive takeaways for me. (1) BBC and Boston are both off probation and positioned for a growth curve. (2) Our national leaders all spoke and hammered the same message: evangelism, local church and global missions. These men are all personal soul winners and leading evangelistic churches. (3) We are still producing the greatest missionaries in the world. I am always amazed by all the Mission Office does to help my church. (4) I left with real practical ideas to develop my church into a more effective ministry. (5) I sense a unity for one purpose – life change. I’m happy to be part of a group of pastors with a heart to fulfill the Great Commission.

We are still producing the greatest missionaries in the world Click To Tweet


Missouri State Representative

Nathan Burch, Aurora Baptist Temple

Fellowship Week this year seemed to have a unique spirit of unity and diversity which was precisely what I hoped I would see. I saw older pastors and missionaries on the same row as younger pastors and missionaries. Not only did I see a wide range of ages, I saw multiple generations in the same family represented. I was challenged by the speakers to see lost people saved. This was what Jesus did while He was here, and it was a great reminder of how we are to do the same! I was challenged to preach more on answering the call to ministry and sending more students to our Bible colleges. I was encouraged by the faithfulness of longtime BBFI missionaries and the testimonies of brand new recently approved missionaries. I was reinvigorated by the ideas in church planning and development. I believe many churches and pastors will be impacted significantly by the plans being put into place. I am truly blessed to be a part of such a unique ministry model that is a family like nothing else. I believe great things are ahead for our movement and look forward to being a part of the future of the BBFI. I would encourage all pastors to support all of our entities financially as we continue to move forward as a fellowship.

I am truly blessed to be a part of such a unique ministry model that is a family like nothing else. Click To Tweet


Montana State Representative

David Klass, Friendship Baptist Church

My annual 2,800-mile round-trip pilgrimage from “Big Sky Country” to Springfield is always approached with much excitement and high expectations. I have been making this trip somewhat consistently for the past 30 years, and I can never remember being disappointed, including this year. I come primarily for the fellowship and preaching, but also to fulfill my responsibilities as the state co-representative (along with Steve Van Winkle) and more recently as a BBFI field representative.

My schedule was a whirlwind of activity packed with meetings, breakout sessions, and preaching. Fortunately, times were planned throughout the week to hang out and fellowship with friends and fellow-laborers.

Here are a few takeaways from my time at Fellowship Week this year:

At our “State Rep” meeting I was encouraged to hear from our younger leadership. Though they see a need for some changes in our methodology, they remain committed to the foundations of our fellowship. Essentials like doctrinal purity (i.e., “20 Articles of Faith), soul-winning and discipleship, church planting and revitalization, the biblical training of young people in our colleges and a heart for world missions continue to be the priority.

Though they see a need for some changes in our methodology, they remain committed to the foundations of our fellowship. Click To Tweet

During the Tuesday afternoon “Field Rep” meeting my heart was thrilled to be a small part of approving five new missionary families.  We were also presented with several new resources to promote world missions in our churches. Their quality is commendable. I never cease to be amazed at what at our BBFI Mission Office can accomplish with limited resources and manpower. Without a doubt, the highlight of the week for me was “Missions Morning.” The tears flowed as we honored the faithfulness of several veteran missionaries and we heard the testimonies of our newest “world-changers.”

A final takeaway for me was the preaching, which has always been the pulse of our fellowship. The theme well fitly chosen, well developed and passionately communicated.

As I returned to my field of ministry in Montana City, my “blesser” had been blessed, my ministry gas tank was full, and I was tired … but it is a good tired!

Thank you Mark Milioni and other BBFI leaders for your investment of time, creativity and energy in making Fellowship Week 2019 a great success. Your efforts are not overlooked or unappreciated.


Nebraska State Representative

Gary Fuller, Gentle Shepherd

Nahum 1:3 … the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

1Kings 19:11 … behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the LORD was not in the earthquake: 12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

Having grown up and lived in the Midwest for most of my life, I’ve been near a few tornadoes over the years. I once had to crawl up and hide under an overpass with my son. Another time my family and I were on vacation and took shelter in the basement of the Holdrege, Nebraska police station. (I didn’t know that my future wife was in that same shelter at the same time with her storm-chaser boyfriend.) A year ago, I sat in my car under an overpass in Rockport, Missouri waiting for tornadoes to pass over. I was on my way home from the May BBC meeting.

Lightning may never strike in the same place twice (not sure if that’s so), but I seem to keep showing up where tornadoes touch down. I mean twice in the last six days!

And that leads me to my testimony of the Fellowship Meeting at BBC. I headed to the meeting in an emotional funk, but the fantastic fellowship, relevant preaching, and stirring worship snatched me out of my despondency and greatly encouraged me. President Milioni and his team were the consummate hosts.

I headed to the meeting in an emotional funk, but the fantastic fellowship, relevant preaching, and stirring worship snatched me out of my despondency and greatly encouraged me. Click To Tweet

Fittingly, as Brian Moore concluded his message on Tuesday night, and scores of smartphones were alerting us to take immediate shelter, the tornado passed. As one, we all were impressed by the still small Voice of the Lord convincing us of our need to revitalize our churches.

I returned home encouraged, only to dodge yet another tornado a few moments before our church service and after that experience the still small Voice calling our congregation to sponsor 23 young Mexican people to their youth camp.


Oklahoma State Representative

Jason Petermann, Christ Community Church

I walked away from this last national meeting in Springfield more encouraged than I have ever been about our network. Being encouraged is one reason we gather. We need one another. We need to hear one another’s stories. We need one another’s support and prayers. We need one another’s fellowship. I was encouraged by all of those things last week. I was reminded again, that I am NOT alone, and we are better together.

I was encouraged about the vision and leadership for our network. Our Executive Committee has labored tirelessly to bring a renewed vision of winning souls, both in planting churches and missions. I was challenged by their outside the box thinking that will, I believe, bring health and vitality to our network.

I was encouraged that we were willing to look into the mirror and see that as a whole, our network needs changes to make us healthy. I think it is good we recognized that until our churches become healthy, we will not be able to plant healthy churches or get missionaries to the field in a timely manner. Our revitalization efforts will be the catalyst to a renewed energy in church planting and sending missionaries. Our executive committee has led us to take that look in the mirror, and I am thankful for them.

Our revitalization efforts will be the catalyst to a renewed energy in church planting and sending missionaries. Click To Tweet

I was encouraged by the quality of the week. President Milioni and the staff of Baptist Bible College did a fantastic job hosting, scheduling the speakers, leading us in worship, and providing space for fellowship.

I came back home encouraged to do my part in helping our network reach its God-given purpose of planting churches, winning souls, and encouraging other pastors. I am looking forward to how God leads us. We have great memories as a network. We should never forget those victories of the past, but let’s dream big. Let’s ask God to do it again. Let’s have a big vision for what we can accomplish together.


Texas State Representative

Terry Kizer, Alliance Baptist Church

Fellowship week is a great time to reconnect with students, friends and fellow pastors. It’s always inspiring. We are very excited about the progress of the college and the work that president Milioni and his team are doing for our students. It was exciting to hear that we are off probation. The students graduating this year are great young people and excited to reach their world with the gospel. Thank you, BBC, for making those eternal investments. Monday night Jon Slayden had everyone in the gym huddle with students and prayed for them. Then he asked the students to pray for those who had just prayed for them. It was a great moment and one I won’t forget.

The vision for the future of APEX of focusing on helping churches revitalize was inspiring. I believe Sean Sears and Brian Moore are working on a great plan to help churches all across America be more effective at reaching the lost while leading church members to live out the Great Commission. The quote of the week made by Sean Sears when he said, “The church isn’t for Christians; the church is Christians.” And we as Christians should help those far from God to find and follow Jesus. Church planting is not being overlooked, but the BBF needs healthy churches to help plant new churches. This is the point for the effort to revitalize churches.

We as Christians should help those far from God to find and follow Jesus. Click To Tweet

Tuesday afternoon is missionary approval meetings. Serving as a field representative allows hearing the testimonies of the missionaries and God’s call in their life. It can be intimidating to the missionary candidates, but for those sitting on the committee, it is very inspiring. To see how God is preparing each missionary for the work he has for them is incredible. The stories are exciting, and the candidates have a great passion. God loves the world and wants everyone to know Him personally.


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