Candidate School 2013

by Jon Konnerup

Throughout the 63-year history of the Baptist Bible Fellowship International, a passion for bringing the lost people of the world to a saving faith in Christ has been exhibited. This desire is what drives our churches to participate together in an effort to see the Great Commission accomplished by sending and supporting as many missionaries around the world as possible. The Mission Office of the BBFI strives to assist churches and their missionaries by pro­viding services to both. One of these services is our annual Candi­date School held each July.

Each year, pastors, missionaries, specialized professionals, and Mission Office staff discuss a variety of topics with those attending. The daily sessions are filled with classes specifically tailored to the various phases of the missionary process — whether it is for those who are going as TEAM, to individuals transitioning from TEAM to career missionaries, or those beginning deputation, to ones who receive their pre-field orientation after completing a year of deputa­tion. The week culminates with several challenges being issued by the BBFI first vice president of missions and myself as the mission director. Following are the various topics covered:

  • BBFI Mission Office, philosophy, medical plan
  • Mission Office policies and procedures, website
  • Financial Biblical basis for financial accountability, reporting, online banking, personal budgeting
  • Preparations linguistics, crisis response and backing, church planting, moving overseas, deputation process, educating children on the field, prayer letters, mis­sionary health, retirement preparations, role of the missionary wife
  • Relational culture shock, interpersonal relationships, working with national leadership, counseling sessions, time with Mission Office staff
  • Spiritual accountability of the missionary, spiritual foundations, spiritual perspec­tives, the spiritual life of the missionary, what a pastor expects of a missionary

Even though the missionaries’ brains were overloaded with so much information, their responses were very positive. We received responses similar to these:

“I appreciate all the time and work that goes into Candidate School. It is very helpful and inspiring to see “the heart for missions” that is displayed through the Mission Office. Thank you for every­thing you do every day for us.”

“We greatly enjoyed spending time with you, learning from you, and working with you during the BBFI Candidate School. We learned so much and were so encouraged by you. We felt it was a great success and that the effort and the time you put into training and strengthen­ing us was clearly evident.”

Missions is what our churches do, and our mission is to start churches worldwide by sending the most prepared, highly qualified missionaries. The BBFI Missionary Candidate School is an integral part of this process.