BBF Builders busy this summer

by Wayne Guinn

The BBF Builders are such an important part of our work here at the NCPO. Their ministry has allowed so many churches to have facilities that otherwise would not have been possible. Here is an update on two projects that have been worked on this summer:

Trinity Village Baptist Temple, Eastman, GA
Mission: New construction for a church plant
Pastor Vic Baxter, Chuck Ford – Project Manager

After much delay due to almost continual daily rainy weather the new building is finally out of the ground! A group from Park Crest Baptist Church in Springfield, MO, was with us from July 22-26 and really did a tremendous job in getting all the roof trusses set and decked as well as the entire outside of the building sheeted.

A date of Labor Day is our target to be able to get the building ready for occupancy. BBF Builders Ron and Barb Trosclair have been with the project since July 10.


Lighthouse Baptist Church, Xenia, OH
Mission: Renovate 16,000 square feet of their existing building
Challenges: $500K projected cost with only $300K available! God will have to stretch their faith!

This is an exciting project for a young church that is growing fast! With only three years in existence, this body of believers has grown from eight members to over 350 in active attendance! What a testimony! This tremendous growth has brought this church to the point that they desperately need to expand their facilities. It is our goal to use the talents God has given us to assist this church through the rough waters of construction.

All work is being performed under NCPO/BBF Builder supervi­sion and with volunteer labor, except for the HVAC system and floor­ing work. This will allow the church to stretch the money that God has given them and build a 600-seat auditorium with much needed Sunday school space. This is a tall order that only God can fill!

This project is in the beginning stages of construction. Demo­lition of the old grocery facilities is now complete. All underground plumbing has been installed and inspected. New wall construction will begin in the next week.

Report from Craig Miller-BBF Builder Missionary


Will you pray with us for these new churches? Also, pray for the BBF Builders. They lead a unique life of service on the road helping churches, and being such a blessing to them. If you have any ques­tions, or need any information about the BBF Builders, please con­tact the NCPO office at or (417) 536-8826 and we can get you in contact with them.