Year round and worldwide!

by Jon Konnerup

At the climax of the Christmas season, neighborhoods are trans­formed and become bright with decorated homes and colorful lights. These lights evoke happy feelings to all that see them. I admit I enjoy driving through those certain neighborhoods that go above and beyond with their lights and Christmas decorations. Some are even set to coincide with music played on a given radio station so onlookers can enjoy the show as they tune into the related station. Cars line up to see these lights.

As I decorated our own bushes and trees, my thoughts went to what Jesus said in the Bible about Christians being “the light of the world.” We are to shine, drawing attention to Jesus, surely dur­ing this Christmas season. However, we should be shining no mat­ter what the time of year. You see, most of the world around us is in spiritual darkness. People do not realize they are in danger of God’s judgment and in need of a Savior.

Only the story of Jesus Christ will bring the true light of the gospel into this spiritually dark world — and that starts with the Christmas story. The angels appeared to shepherds late at night, as they kept their sheep, to give them the joyous news, “Unto you is born a Savior, Christ the Lord.” The shepherds acted immediately on this informa­tion and ran to see this newborn Savior. Then, after they had seen him, they went and made known abroad everything that had transpired.

This is exactly what our missionaries are doing, not only at Christmas but year-round. They are telling people who have not heard a clear presentation before that, “Unto them a Savior has come, He is Christ the Lord.” When people realize they have need of a Savior, that they have sinned or broken God’s laws, but that a Sav­ior has come to rescue them, it is cause for great rejoicing over this Good News, no matter the time of year!

As you navigate through this Christmas season and into the New Year, may the lights you see and all the beautiful lighted displays remind you of the missionaries that are lights in dark places year-round. Pray for our missionaries. Keep giving so that they can stay where they are, shining and telling the most wonderful, power­ful, life-changing story.

Let the lights also remind you that you need to let your light shine to others this Christmas season. People everywhere need to know that unto them a Savior named Christ the Lord has come!