Why the Local Church Still Matters

In this season of the online church, there’s a real danger to be pulled away from your local church due to “lack of excellence” or “lackluster production.”  I want to encourage you to stay connected to your local church. 

Here are five reasons why. 

  1. That awesome (and I genuinely mean that) megachurch pastor isn’t going to be the one you call when you need prayer, help, encouragement, counseling, or community.
  2. Sharing sermons from “mega ministries” from across the country (I watch them myself, and I’m a huge fan) is not going to help your friend, family member, or person in your neighborhood connect to the local church. Nor will they ever get involved with other Christians serving in the local community where they live.
  3. Your pastor and their team are doing everything they can to keep the local church healthy, strong, focused, and moving forward because God’s called that local church to impact its community.  As part of the body, you need to do your part to keep it strong.
  4. Your pastor needs your encouragement. They carry a weight that is impossible for many church members to understand. Many are working more hours than ever before. Many are learning new ways to minister. Many are working to care for the staff that has given so much for the ministry. Your pastor needs your encouragement and he needs your support. It is never right to send your tithes and offerings to any place other than the local storehouse, the place that has led, fed, cared, and shown you the way of Christ. Yes, I support other initiatives, but way after the Lord’s tithe has been given to the storehouse, missions, and other commitments I have made to the local church. 
  5. The local church is God’s plan to serve the local community. This season isn’t easy on anyone, especially the local church that relies on the faithfulness of its congregation.  Just remember, God has called us to join ourselves to the local body of Christ and add value to it by using our gifts to advance the mission of Jesus.

    By the way, there’s a difference between being part of the “family of God” and being part of the “body of Christ.”
There's a difference between being part of the "family of God" and being part of the "body of Christ. Click To Tweet

If you find yourself chasing the “mega” more “polished” online church, you need to ask yourself why?  If it’s all about meeting your need, I’ll remind you of Jesus, who said, “I didn’t come to be served but to serve and to give my life for many.” 

Be very careful during this season because drift happens. Stay connected to your local church!