Priority 4: A conservative biblical worldview

by Jim Edge

We’ve been talking about the priorities we have on the campus of BBC. Many of our friends in ministry have determined that on the whole our world is experiencing the greatest moral crisis in the history of civilization. I believe this crisis is because many in our generation have lost the art of thinking deeply about why they believe what they believe. Our most basic assumptions about the origin of life, our purpose in life, and the future are based on a sys­tem of thought developed over a period of time in our youth. At Baptist Bible College we strive to insure that our students have the proper resources that will enable each of them to form the foun­dation for a biblical and conservative worldview. During their four years on campus we work with our students to equip them with a disciplined heart for God, a love for the Scriptures, and a solid and classical general education.

A fourth priority for our students is that they are able to view the world around them from a biblical and conservative perspec­tive. Our minds are bombarded daily with secular ideas considered sophisticated, scientific, and contemporary. At Baptist Bible College we believe that it is reasonable and correct to view contemporary events through the lens of scripture. We believe that a true Chris­tian worldview will provide every student with a consistent explana­tion of all the facts of reality. As Carl F. H. Henry says, “The Chris­tian belief system, which the Christian knows to be grounded in divine revelation, is relevant to all of life.” The Christian worldview is the embodiment of Christ’s claim that He is “the way, the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6)

We believe that if a Christian young man or woman is unaware of the principles of God’s Word applied in a cultural setting, that he or she is ill-prepared to lead. In Acts 17, Paul confronted the profes­sional humanists of his day. The apostle countered their ideas with Christian ideas; he reasoned and preached, and he accented three Christian truths — the resurrection of Christ (v. 18), the creation of the universe by God (v. 24), and the judgment to come (v. 31). Our goal is for our students to be trained to fearlessly proclaim the good news of the gospel and to stand fast in the same biblical worldview proclaimed by Paul.

Our prayer is that the hundreds of men and women who gradu­ate from Baptist Bible College will become leading spokespersons for the claims of Christ and form the framework for a sweeping revival to our churches, our Fellowship, our nation, and our world. If you believe, as I do, that the hope for the world is the truth of God’s Word, presented by godly men and women through the local church, then would you please join with me to equip our students to be men and women of distinct godly character. Just imagine with me how these sharp and committed men and women can be equipped to passionately lead the next great worldwide revival.