Peace on Earth?

by Mark Milioni

I read a funny story about a woman who was late getting her Christ­mas cards out. At the last minute she bought a box of 50 identi­cal cards. Not bothering to read them she just quickly signed and addressed them and stuck them in the mailbox. Several days later she came across one of the leftover cards and read what the card said on the inside, “This card is just to say, that your gift is on the way!”

Christmas is a time of hope, especially a hope for some peace. People want peace in their lives so badly; they look for it in presents, in friends, and even in churches. But the world misunderstands the peace that Jesus brought into the world. The coming of Jesus Christ to the earth does bring peace, but perhaps not like men like to imagine. Notice, first,

No Peace in the World — From the moment Christ was born there has been terrible bloodshed. Did Christ’s birth bring peace? No, in fact, the opposite, there is not peace on earth. If this is the kind of peace the Messiah was supposed to bring it hasn’t happened, it hasn’t worked in the 2,000 years since he was born.

There is nothing wrong in hoping or praying for peace, but under­stand, this is not the kind of peace His birth would bring.

No Peace in the Home — Matthew 10:34 “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.”

Jesus did not come to bring the kind of peace that we often think. He came to bring a sword, he came to divide, and where he is there will be division with those that have not accepted him.

This is perhaps one of the most misunderstood aspects of Christi­anity. Many come to Christ expecting life to become simple, peaceful. Everything will be nice and easy, no problems, and definitely not a life that seems to have more difficulties.

Know Peace in the Heart — In order for us to have peace with God it took Jesus coming as a baby and dying on the cross. Because by nature we are enemies and do not have any peace, we needed a way to receive the peace that only God has. Colossians 1:20, “And, having made peace through the blood of his cross” Romans 5:1, “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

We need to understand, the peace of the Messiah was not between the nations, or even between men. Jesus came to bring peace between God and man.

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