One of the best-kept secrets

by Jon Konnerup

You have probably heard about the Mayan “prediction” which declares that the earth will be ravaged by a variety of cataclysmic astronomical events around December 21, 2012. So, what does that mean? Not a thing, really. It is just a phony theory invented by con­spiracy theorists, doomsayers, and people looking to make money on people’s fears.

As believers, we know the only source for understanding future events is the Bible. Only God knows and can predict the future! What one can know is that we have today, and God calls us to plan our future knowing it is in His hands.

Our goal is to reach the world for Christ one day at a time, and we can do so by financially supporting those who have surrendered their lives to take the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world. Your efforts confirm your commitment to our Lord and his Great Com­mission. I would like to challenge you to make it part of your legacy.

There are many ways to leave a legacy to the BBFI Mission Office, ways to help expand our reach into the far corners of the world and to continue your commitment to the Lord’s work for years to come.

We can discuss with you various methods of support — gifts can include specific assets such as securities, your home or other proper­ty, or you can simply designate a specific percentage or amount of the remainder of your estate after you have provided for your beneficia­ries. When planning to give a gift, it is important to consider how you want your gift to be used. An unrestricted gift is especially valuable as it allows BBFI Missions to assign the gift to the highest priorities when it arrives. Restricted gifts can be directed to specific projects. A current use fund can be established for a specific program and pro­vides the flexibility of using the full amount of your gift, while a trust fund creates a permanent legacy while providing an annual income in perpetuity.

One of the best-kept secrets is the charitable gift annuity. It is a way to support BBFI Missions in the future while, at the same time, increasing your income (for the rest of your life). A charitable gift annuity is a contract with BBFI Missions specifying that in return for your irrevocable gift, BBFI Missions will pay you and/or another ben­eficiary a fixed income for life. When all income beneficiaries die, BBFI Missions will use the remainder of your gift in the vital work of supporting missionaries. In addition to favorable rates of return, charitable gift annuities also afford donors many tax benefits.

To better understand all our giving options, see the website and click on “Leave a Legacy.” If you want more details, please consult Rick Vanhooser, BBFI Mission Office, chief of operations.

Because your tax situation may be unique, always consult your attorney, tax advisor, or financial advisor about the plan best suited to meet your needs.