Oklahoma BBF Meets at Grace Harbor Baptist Church

The Oklahoma BBF gathered April 9-10, 2018 at Grace Harbor Baptist Church of Grove, OK pastored by Marty Hughes. The meeting began Monday night with a BBQ and skeet shooting. Tuesday’s emphasis was on discussing “The Elephants in the Room” with abbreviated sermons followed by application focused discussion. Hughes states, “I felt like we needed to hash out a few of the issues between two competing principles. As Clifford Clark used to say, ‘There are ditches on both sides of the road.’ I hoped that our discussions would steer us out of those ditches.” Topics included dealing with moral issues, “The tension between ministry to sinners and confronting known sin;” developing leadership to reach all generations, “The tension between targeted verses multi-generational ministry;” the concept of benevolence, “The tension between the least of these and those who will not work;” God and country, “The tension between patriotism and idolatry.” After these discussions Steve Bender from the BBFI Mission Office and Jason Peterman, pastor of Christ Community Church preached. During the business meeting nominees were selected for BBFI Executive Committee to bring to the national meeting in May.