Next generation leaders

by Jim Edge

The administration and faculty of Baptist Bible College recognizes an important priority. Through our Comprehensive Enrollment Management Plan, we understand that every person on campus becomes a recruiter of students. The fantastic young men and women that pastors and parents send our way deserve our highest priority, and over the past three years I believe we have stressed the important relationship between administrative decisions, instruction that takes place in the classroom, and the stewardship of the hearts of our students.

These three years I have worked closely with some of the best and brightest young people anywhere. I have found they have a deep and abiding desire to draw close to Christ. Their passion for influencing others to follow Jesus is incredible to observe.

During the summer months Baptist Bible College sponsors three teams of students who travel the country promoting BBC and recruiting students. One of those teams, called our REC Team, has been in churches and camps six weeks at this writing. They provide programming for VBS, camps, and other local church events. They work 18 to 20 hours a day giving it their all. As of this writing, the REC Team reports 54 saved with 20 who have surrendered to fulltime service. Blake Housley, the team leader, reports: “It is so exciting because on Thursday night, when you have nothing left, and you are dead tired and worn out, you realize that it is all worth it to see new believers and new students on their way to BBC.”

Lindzee Zink reports: “One of the coolest things that happened to me this summer would have to be leading a young girl named Megan to the Lord. It was on a Wednesday night in Oklahoma at Camp Minnetonka. After a few hours of talking with her after the service, she accepted Christ into her life.” Patrick Barger adds: “This summer has been a life-changing experience. It has been awesome to see how so many teenagers have changed in five days of camp. Many have made life-changing choices and it has been phenomenal to experience this every week.”

These testimonies and many more are the reason we are committed to educating our students. When our students report for classes this fall they will find professors who are committed to their spiritual and academic growth and an administration who is committed to making them successful. In many cases new classes are being offered, textbooks have been improved, and new teaching methods are being used. Our faculty is committed to excellence in their presentations because they recognize that they are engaging the next generation of potential Christian leaders.

This generation of young leaders refuses to settle for mediocrity. As they mature in their understanding of WHO God is and HOW He works, their vision of WHAT He can accomplish in their lives and ministry increases. Our founders envisioned this cycle, and that is why Baptist Bible College was established over 60 years ago.