NCPO loan committee meets, responds

by Wayne Guinn

After our Annual Loan Committee Meeting held in Medina, Ohio, September 1, I asked the gentlemen who serve to summarize the results and shed light on what we are accomplishing at NCPO.

Dan Lamb, Ohio pastor and BBFI 3rd Vice President Elect – “I was amazed at the openness of the meeting. It became very obvious that the more we work together, the more we will be able to accom­plish for the eternal souls of men. As we see these men press on, I’m sure the outcome will be new churches.”

Bob Baker, Missouri pastor – “Understanding. Insight. Excite­ment. Relationship. Fellowship. Just a few words that explain what the Loan Committee Meeting is all about. We met together to look at, understand, and have some insight and discernment concern­ing the needs of various churches, both new works and established works. We do that through the eyes of Wayne and Jason. We seek advice, learning from the vast experience of Wayne in his financial background, helping them raise finances through their own church and people, as well as securing financing from other lending institu­tions. We also saw the work done by the Baptist Builders and their construction crews. We left knowing we have had a part in encourag­ing other churches.”

Mark Milioni, Ohio pastor and committee host – “After dis­cussion of each loan, of those applying, and reports from the Baptist Builders, I leave with great confidence in the integrity and effective­ness of this office. The BBF should be proud to have an office working to help plant churches, to help finance churches, and to physically help build churches.”

Tim Robertson, Virginia pastor – “I have been part of this com­mittee for the last four years, and its purpose has not changed. It is to assist church planters and pastors in the process of establishing new churches. Wayne Guinn and Jason are competent, passionate, and devoted to church planting. We are blessed to have these men serving our Fellowship. We have a great opportunity before us to assist church planters through the talents of these men.”

Bob Stephenson, Missouri pastor – “A focused meeting where pastors determined to raise awareness of the important work of the NCPO within our Fellowship. This will include, in addition to greater awareness, great understanding of the function and operation of the NCPO on the part of Fellowship pastors and great support financially and prayerfully among the churches.

Mark Hodges, Florida pastor and BBFI President 2009-2010 “Church planting and missions has always been the thrust and focus of the BBFI. The NCPO assists and challenges our churches to start other churches. God is using this new arm of our Fellowship to assist our churches and church planters with education, information, and financial assistance. God has blessed us with capable men who are helping us expand our vision to reach America for Christ.”