Michigan BBF Offers Challenge to Other State Fellowship

Chesaning, MI

Walt Yeoman and the Chesaning Bible Baptist Church in Chesaning, MI hosted the Michigan BBF on Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Speakers for the meeting were Jon Wilks, First Baptist Church in Northville, MI, and Herb Gilbert, retired pastor of Beacon Baptist Church in Taylor, MI. Following the meeting, all enjoyed time on the golf course. Greg Burdine, who serves as the state representative, states, “I love getting together with the other pastors in Michigan. We have a great spirit in our meetings.” 

During the business meeting, the Michigan BBF voted to give $1,000 each to Baptist Bible College, Boston Baptist College, and the Baptist Bible Tribune. They are also doing an additional $1,000 matching gift to Baptist Bible College to encourage the churches in the state to give to BBC. The Michigan BBF is also challenging other state fellowships to make similar gifts and to encourage the churches in their states to give.