How is your focus?

by John Gross

Planting a church requires focus. As a church planter you have multiple tasks, but the majority of your focus should revolve around:

  1. Your personal spiritual development and your relationships with the unchurched.
  2. Providing, protecting, and nurturing your family – spiritually and financially.
  3. Planning your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule, and preparing and presenting the Sunday service or Bible study.

Unfortunately, church planters have so many distractions. They are faced with trying to become all things to all people at all times. I guard you against this approach. Remember, you are planting a church to reach the unchurched and establish a local church.

In the 21st-century, a great distraction is the media temptation. Today we have Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, Periscope, Reality TV, video games, text messaging, YouTube, NetFlix, Chill, and many other avenues of distraction that cause us to lose focus. Focus is a matter of self-discipline. If you become too distracted, you will not focus long enough on what it takes to become a successful planter.

Don’t allow yourself to become so busy that you forget the business you are in: reaching out, making disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the son, and the Holy Ghost, and teaching them to go and do likewise. We can become so busy serving the service that we forget our responsibility of serving the savior.

How is your focus today?