Giving Tuesday

It has been said that you are never more like Christ than when you give. The most popular verse in the Bible, John 3:16, tells us that God so loved the world that He gave. This wasn’t a solo act from the Father, however. Paul instructs Timothy on the one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who voluntarily gave Himself (I Timothy 2:6). The Bible reminds us over and over the importance of giving. On this National Day of Giving known as Giving Tuesday, would you consider giving an extra gift to the entities of the BBFI?

The BBFI is a network, or fellowship, of pastors, missionaries, church staff, and churches literally all over the world. The overwhelming majority of these pastors, missionaries and church staff received their training at either Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO or Boston Baptist College in Boston, MA. Both of these Bible colleges are still producing graduates that go on to serve in churches and as missionaries. Would you consider giving today to either Baptist Bible College or Boston Baptist College? The BBFI Mission Office serves as a bridge between those who give (the churches and individuals) and those who go (the missionaries). They support both in many ways that go unnoticed but are of utmost importance. Would you consider giving today to the BBFI Mission Office? 

The BBFI Communication Office and the Baptist Bible Tribune serve pastors, missionaries, church staff and church members in a multitude of ways. From communicating the good news of what God is doing around the world, to providing devotional reading material, to helping plan and promote national BBFI meetings, to helping BBFI churches find BBFI pastors, the scope of this ministry is grand. Would you consider giving today to the BBFI Communication Office. 

If you would like to support the continuing efforts of the BBFI through any of these ministries, click the links below. 

BBFI Mission Office

Baptist Bible College

Boston Baptist College

BBFI Communication Office