
by Randy Harp

I will never forget my sixth-grade Little League baseball coach, but not for a good reason. That year, I missed making the travel all-star team by one vote. I found out later my coach didn’t vote for me (though he did vote for his own son … the only vote he received). Yes, I need to let it go, but it has haunted me most of my life. I even gave up baseball, my favorite sport, the following year. Don’t get me wrong, I have had some great coaches, like my eighth-grade football coach who made us run until we puked. He taught us to believe we could push ourselves a little further if we worked a little harder. That led to an undefeated season right up until our last game when we lost to our crosstown rivals. Yes, I should probably let that go, too.

I no longer have athletic coaches in my life. I gave that up years ago. But I still have a need for coaches — people who will help me improve. I really hope I have yet to hit my limit or reach my full potential. If I am going to grow as a leader, I need help from leaders who have been down the road a little further than me. If I am going to grow as an editor of a magazine, I need others in the industry to guide me along. If I am going to grow as a Christian, I need other Christians to hold me accountable and mentor me. I need people who will push me a little further and encourage me to work a little harder and smarter.

This Tribune focuses on coaching – a topic I am passionate about. I truly believe growing churches and ministries are led by growing leaders. This is the reason we are launching the BBFI Coaching Network (see page 9). We have partnered with some bright minds in Christian ministry to help leaders accomplish more for the cause of Christ.

I truly believe the BBFI’s future is bright, but we must not be satisfied individually or collectively. We must continue to grow as leaders, pastors, shepherds, preachers, disciple-makers, and worldwide evangelists.

As always, thank you for allowing me to serve Christ as I serve you.