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Serving your local schools

by Randy Harp If your church ceased to exist, who in your community would miss it? A church can make a difference in many areas of a community, but one of the most impacting could […]

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Learning from our mistakes

by Randy Harp Is the BBFI perfect? I think we all know the answer. My first impressions of the BBFI were all positive, largely because my pastor, Don Elmore, was extremely positive about the BBFI.

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The BBFI is in my DNA

by Marty Hughes Pastor, Grace Harbor Baptist Church, Grove, OK When my mother walked across the platform at BBC to receive her diploma, I was already well on my way to making my grand entrance […]

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As the Mango, so is BBFI

By Jun Lumagbas | Pastor | Bible Baptist Church | Cebu City, Philippines The Philippines is known for many things. One is the well-loved and much-enjoyed mango, that oblong-shaped vitamin C-packed sweet fruit. The most […]

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Taking your next step

by Randy Harp Throughout this issue we have emphasized the importance of taking the next step. We have attempted to make application for both the local church and its leadership as well as for all […]

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Praying for Easter

by Randy Harp As a senior pastor, I always wrestled with the tension of how to approach Easter. There is no doubt Easter Sunday is the “Super Bowl” for American churches. For most churches, mine […]

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Looking back at a vision

by Craig Dyson Fresh out of Baptist Bible College in 1963, a young preacher and his wife headed to their roots with a firm belief in something the late pastor John Rawlings said: “Find a […]

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It was an honor

by Keith Bassham, Tribune Editor 2002-2015 In September, when BBFI President Eddie Lyons made a presentation to my wife and myself at the September BBFI meeting, he asked if I would like to say something. […]

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Thanksgiving blessings

by Keith Bassham, Editor of the Baptist Bible Tribune (2002-2015) The beginning of the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount is one of the best-known and best-loved sections of the Bible. I think, though, the wide approval this […]