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Worldwide Missions

Coming to America

by Jon Konnerup With the influx of immigrants flooding into the United States comes a God-given opportunity to nations within the bound­aries of our own country. They are coming into our cities, communi­ties, and perhaps […]

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Worldwide Missions

There are 7 billion of us

by Jon Konnerup Our world’s population reached 7 billion around October 31, 2011. It is believed that due to the high birth rates in the Asian Pacific and the Saharan region of Africa, baby number […]

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Worldwide Missions

A gift that should be shared

by Jon Konnerup As I think of all the gifts that will be given this Christmas, my mind turns to the masses of people in the world who do not know about the wonderful gift […]

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Worldwide Missions

Prayer and preparation underway

by Jon Konnerup No doubt you have heard how terrible the situation in Mexico is becoming. The drug cartels’ violent struggle for regional con­trol coupled with the government forces seeking to stop the fighting and […]

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Worldwide Missions

Times are a-changing

by Jon Konnerup W e hear the phrase “times are a-changing” more and more when it comes to world missions. I hear of various methods of reaching out to the physical and spiritual needs of […]

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Worldwide Missions

New information to consider

by Jon Konnerup A topic being widely discussed today is how younger generations are more interested in participating in tangible mission projects than in giving a fixed monthly amount of money. Well, the BBFI has […]

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Worldwide Missions

New information to consider

by Jon Konnerup Online donations are one of the most-requested services by churches of the BBFI. Therefore, we developed a website,, that allows us to securely accept donations. Churches can utilize the Multiple Gift […]

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Worldwide Missions

Step back and assess

by Jon Konnerup Our missionaries are dealing with conditions on the field that could hinder their ability to stay and minister. Also, our churches at home are dealing with the economy and paradigm shifts that […]

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Worldwide Missions

Japan needs our help and prayer

by Jon Konnerup Our hearts are saddened by the recent tragedy in Japan. We have not yet seen the full scale of the damage, death, and destruc­tion. Despite these things, God is still in control […]

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Worldwide Missions

The Baptist Bible Fellowship really is International

by Jon Konnerup Awesome. Challenging. Unbelievable. Refreshing. Like our meetings used to be. Huge blessing. Revealing. God honoring. Proud to be part of the BBFI. Above are just a few of the responses I received following the Global Fellowship Meeting of the Baptist […]