Are you ready?

by Jon Konnerup

Have you ever considered serving God in fulltime ministry? More specifically, is it possible the Holy Spirit is speaking to your heart about missions? If so, there are things to think about, questions to ask, and steps to take as you consider serving God as a missionary.


By first drawing close to God, you can better understand His desires for your life. This is crucial when you’re trying to determine where and how He is calling you to serve. Consider:

  • What am I doing to strengthen my relationship with God?
  • How am I relying on God to lead me right now?
  • In what ways am I growing in my understanding of God’s Word?

Next steps to take:

  • Pray for God’s work around the world. Select a specific group of people, country, or city to pray for.
  • Study the Bible and memorize key mission verses.
  • Look for places in your church to serve.


Make friends with people who share your faith, moral standards, and excitement about serving God. It is also a good idea to meet with missionaries who are willing to share their experiences. Consider:

  • Do I have healthy, God-honoring relationships with Christians?
  • Am I looking for mentors to walk me through the process of serving?
  • Am I committed to living a lifestyle where serving God is more important than my comfort?

Next steps to take:

  • Find people interested in serving and make friends with them.
  • Pray for God’s leading in all relationships.
  • Share your faith and your interest in serving God with people who do not know Jesus.


One way to prepare for serving God is by learning to be content living with less so you will be free to go when God calls. That includes avoiding new debt and eliminating any existing debt. Consider:

  • Do I have financial burdens (student loans, credit card debt, home mortgage, etc.) that would make it difficult to serve?
  • Am I planning for the future and being responsible, or am I spending it as soon as I earn it?

Next steps to take:

  • Work on eliminating or reducing debt.
  • Find biblically based financial resources to help you make the best choices you can with the money God gives you.
  • Ask God to help you get to know people who will want to pray for you and help support your ministry financially.