All we need is you!

by Jon Konnerup

“This meeting was amazing!” said one U.S. pastor who attended the Cebu Global Meeting in 2011. He was thrilled to see the number of people at the meeting, not only from the Philippines but also from around the world. Seeing the fruit of the labor our early BBFI missionaries did in the Philippines — reaching people for Christ, discipling them, and starting churches — and the Filipinos’ enthusiasm for the Lord and world missions overwhelmed this pastor. He shared with me the impact this life-changing meeting had in increasing his burden and passion for missions. He said, “My church will hear about this and our church will never be the same and missions will be stronger than ever.”

“My country can do this too. What the Filipinos are doing for world missions, we can do the same!” was the statement from one of the Latin American guest speakers at the Cebu meeting. He had never seen people outside the U.S.A. so enthused about world missions. Their passion to see people saved globally was strong and exciting. He said, “When I get back to my country, I am going to challenge our churches to understand our responsibility to the Great Commission and we will send out our own also. Just think what we can do for God when we partner with the churches in America!”

One guest speaker, a pastor in central Africa, was so burdened after the meeting in Cebu that he went back and challenged the churches in his impoverished country to begin thinking about missions and sending their own missionaries. God called, and he surrendered. He will be the first missionary sent from their country and supported by their churches.

We saw the Holy Spirit move among the people from the Philippines during the preaching services at that meeting; many surrendered to be missionaries. The fruit from that one meeting in Cebu will not be known until we meet in heaven.

I believe the same will be true with the upcoming global meeting in Korea to be held March 14-17, 2016. I encourage pastors from the U.S.A. to attend this meeting and bring church people with them. It will not only increase your passion for missions, but cause you to rejoice and thank God for the efforts of our Fellowship churches and their missionaries over the past 65 years.

Imagine the impact this meeting will have on the lives of those who attend as they interact with worldwide leaders and speakers. We want to challenge pastors’ hearts to share with their people that the Great Commission is for them too. Pray that some young people and couples attending the 2016 Korea Global Meeting will surrender to go to the regions beyond. One thing that will make this meeting a huge blessing and success for the glory of God is — you!