The stewardship of education in the BBFI

by Mark Milioni

Stewardship can be defined as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care.”

We take stewardship very seriously at Baptist Bible College/Life Change U.

We are to be stewards of doctrine. It is our responsibility as an institution to oversee the careful and responsible management of doctrine for the BBFI. We work hard to instill in every student the intrinsic doctrines and principles that make us who we are — Bible believers. Being stewards of doctrine is critical because it defines who we will be in the future.

We are to be stewards of tradition. It is important for our students to be taught where we came from. They need to understand the history of our movement and know the values, commitment, and sacrifice of the great men and women who built this college. Without these faithful servants, we might not be where we are as a Fellowship and some of us might not have even been exposed to the Gospel.

We are to be stewards of hope. This is underestimated but very important — encouraging students that there is hope for life change in the world. Ministry can be discouraging — we compare and we fall short. Why does it matter? Is my ministry even needed? I believe and challenge our students with this thought — the greatest churches and mission works have yet to be built. That is what they will do. Hope begins with them. They must believe God needs them to go into all the world to share the greatest message ever given. Being a steward of hope drives us to encourage them to study, to finish strong, and to go where God has called them.