A Failure to Act

James 4:17, Derryl DeShields

By Derryl DeShields, Retired pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Berryville, AR

Read James 4:17.

The Bible talks about two types of sins: sins of doing something wrong and sins of not doing what is right. Sins of doing something wrong, like lying and stealing, are called sins of commission. Sins of not doing what is right, like not sharing Jesus, not helping those in need, and not praying, are called sins of omission. Sometimes, Christians focus more on the sins of doing something wrong and forget that the sins of not doing what is right are just as serious. 

James wants to show how important it is for Christians to obey God. This means that our actions should match our beliefs. It’s not enough to say we believe something; our actions must back it up. James understands that it’s easier to talk about depending on God than actually depending on Him in our everyday lives.

Not doing what we should (omission) can lead to doing things we shouldn’t (commission). When Christians don’t stand up for what is right or do what they are supposed to, it opens the door for more temptations and can lead to doing things that are wrong.

Sins of not doing what is right prevent believers from receiving the blessings of obedience and limit their spiritual growth. God is looking for people who boldly and passionately spread His Gospel and love. He will use and equip those who are willing to step out in obedience. Those who do will experience the life God has planned for them and will grow closer to Him.

Here are some examples of sins of omission:

  • Ignorance: intentional failure to study and learn what God expects.
  • Laziness: being too lazy to do what is expected.
  • Fear: failure to stand up for beliefs or share one’s faith.
  • Selfishness: may lead to neglecting the needs of others.
  • Indifference: lacking concern for others and their well-being.

Here are some ways to help avoid the sins of omission: 

  • To-Do Lists: help to avoid forgetting important tasks.
  • Prioritize: focus on essential tasks first.
  • Be Proactive: be aware to observe when someone may need assistance.
  • Take Responsibility: recognize your role in a situation and act accordingly.

Reflective Questions:

  1. Do you actively study God’s Word so you may know how to avoid sins of omission?
  2. How often do you share the Gospel with others? How often do you pray and ask God to provide opportunities to share the Gospel? 
  3. How often do you serve those around you? What are some other “sins of omission” that you are guilty of? 

Memory Verse:

Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17


Dear God, I am thankful that You forgive me when I confess my sins to You. Today, I confess my sins of omission to You. Help me when I know to do the right thing to do it. 

Related Scriptures:

John 9:41; John 13:17; II Peter 2:21; Luke 12:47048; Romans 1:32; Romans 7:13

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