The sweet ride

by David Melton

When my beautiful wife, Kim, said “yes” I knew two things — she didn’t marry me for my looks or my car! I was driving an old Nissan Stanza with a million miles on it, and even more dings. I get my “car-challengedness” from my dad. He always had clunkers. But one time, exactly once, I had cool wheels. I was a senior in high school, and my incredible youth group leaders, Leon and Kay Munhollan, owned a vintage ’57 Chevy. For some reason, I had to go to senior camp late, and Leon offered to let me drive his Chevy to camp. That memory is still so rich that I haven’t shared it a half dozen times in my life … until now!

I crawled onto that bench seat, and took off. Sort of. Driving that three-on-the-tree was a tall order. But, that incredible hour drive was unlike anything else in my life. People honked and waved, turned their heads to see me pass, called out through open windows. I just smiled and nodded.

I learned the joy of stewardship that day. Leon was crazy to trust me with that car, but he did! How amazing to be associated with something so awesome it could never really be “mine,” but somebody who believed in me put me in the driver’s seat! I feel the same way about leading Boston Baptist College. This is Jesus’ college — plain and simple. His pastors and churches bought it and built it, and his students wander these halls and kick back in the coffee shop. I do get to steer the vehicle a little bit, but I’m just blessed to sit in the front seat. I know I don’t even shift the gears all that well at times, but I am humbled and honored and challenged to drive as well as I can. It’s even more exhilarating than a ’57 Chevy, and that’s saying something!