Priority one: spiritual formation

by Jim Edge

At Baptist Bible College, our primary focus is ministry prepara­tion. Our students will be key players in a spiritual battle for the souls of men. I am also aware of the fact that our students will make crucial decisions while they are enrolled at BBC. These deci­sions can be guideposts for the rest of their lives, so I have made the spiritual formation of our students my number one priority.

Roots That Run Deep
I understand the need for a fine general education, an accu­rate manner of biblical interpretation, and proper conservative doc­trine and theology. But, we know our students must be firmly estab­lished in their relationship with Christ. Facts are necessary to make important decisions, but there must also be influence, and the most important influences in the lives of our students must be Christ and His word. Our goal is to train every student to discern God’s will in every situation.

Nourished By Many Resources
A strong spiritual formation is fostered in many different ways. Springfield is blessed with many BBFI churches of various ministry styles. Our students are required to actively serve in one of these local churches through our Christian Life and Ministry program.

At Baptist Bible College our professors have vast ministry expe­rience and are encouraged to pour their wisdom into the hearts of our students. Our students have access to the best of spiritual counseling through the Counseling Office, led by Bill and MaryAnn Piatt. With their 35 years of experience they lovingly lead students to work through particular situations within a biblical context.

Twice-weekly chapel services have been refreshed and are one of the highlights for our students. They feature great worship and relevant preaching brought by men from across the country.

The Dean of Students Department is concerned with develop­ing spiritual discipline and a Christ-consciousness in our students’ lives. For example, our resident assistants are trained to help stu­dents with day-to-day spiritual needs through hall devotions and personal contact.

Jon Slayden, our campus chaplain, is deeply involved with our students, giving guidance and mentoring them in important deci­sions. As president, my office remains open for all students to visit or share their concerns and praises throughout their academic career.

Stability In The Soil of God’s Love and Grace
Our students will become like strong mighty oaks whose roots run deep in the fertile soil of God’s love and grace. Our graduates will be stable and determined Christian leaders who will give direc­tion to our churches and our Fellowship for years to come. I want to thank each of you who stand behind the students of Baptist Bible College. What greater investment can we make than in the lives of our next generation of Christian leaders?