New resources on our websites

by Jon Konnerup

We’ve made it easier for all the Fellowship family to contact the entities in our Fellowship through one website portal: From there you will find links to the Tribune, the National Church Planting Office, KWFC Radio, our colleges, and more, all in one easy-to-navigate loca­tion.

The most up-to-date and accurate informa­tion for the World Mis­sion Service Center (the BBFI Mission Office) is at, accessible from the main portal. Here you will find information such as con­tact numbers, addresses, bios, and pictures of BBFI missionaries in the Mis­sionary Lookup section, you can find churches in the BBFI Contact Directory, get useful ministry tools, and all sorts of information concerning the Baptist Bible Fellowship International, the Mission Office, and missionaries.

You will also see a tab you can click to get your free subscription to the Weekly ConnectionPoint news bulletin and access to the Hall of Honor. In the resources section of our website, you will find min­istry tools such as brochures, a catalog of items to use in mis­sions conferences, missions promotional videos, Mission Office videos, and missionary videos.

You can take your people around the world by download­ing the missionary videos. Fol­lowing are links that will take you directly to the video cat­egories.

Main Page –

Promote Missions –

Mission Office Videos –

Missionary Videos –