BBC an extension of the Greatest Generation

by Ron Sears

The founders of the Baptist Bible Fellowship were part of Tom Brokaw’s “Greatest Generation.” Their experience revealed to them that the only way to change the world was with the gospel — Jesus died for man’s sin, He was buried, three days later He rose from the dead, and He is not willing for any to perish. To help them reach their world, they developed a college where students would enter to learn and go forth to serve. Since its inception, BBC has made this mantra its goal in every aspect of the educational experience.

The world may have changed since our beginning, but our goal continues to be for our students to be sent from here into the world to change it with the Gospel of Jesus. As the student leaves to serve the Savior, we can know that the mortar holding the alumni togeth­er continues to be a passion for spreading the gospel where God has called them to serve. The nurse introduces the patient to the Healer and the musician finds the sympathetic chord of God’s salvation arranged in the notes. The chaplain points the soldier to the Great Captain of their soul while the teacher reveals the God of the uni­verse as the ultimate correct answer. The youth minister moves the questioning teen to an assurance that the Savior is the way and the counselor applies the balm of God’s Word to the hurting. The pastor builds upon the Sure Foundation and the missionary teaches that the unknown god is the God of the universe.

We at BBC are continuing to walk in the footsteps of our found­ers. We are placing an emphasis on the reality that a man does not profit by gaining the whole world while losing his soul. Every course continues to focus on the need of humanity for a relationship with the Savior. Our alumni are prepared to change their world, not with the works of man but with the message of God’s salvation. We are remaining faithful in training students to learn God’s truth and fol­low His teaching. Then we are sending them out to serve God and change the world before them.

We are continuing to walk with the same purpose and passion of the previous generation. We still face the same accuser and ene­my of God. Yet, churches are being planted, missionaries are shar­ing the news of salvation with those who have never heard the name of Jesus, and the world is different because of those who have gone from here into the world. Our prayer is that you will continue to walk with us as we train those who enter so they will go forth and serve by sharing the good news that Jesus saves.